I am excited to have this new feature on my blog: A Day In The Life Of A Jewelry Artist by Melissa of Uphill Dreams. I first met Melissa in May when she offered to be a guest blogger for Pin & Tack's Jewelry Joy event. Her post was fantastic! (Click here to read it.) She is funny, honest & quite interesting, so I asked her to return every month with one & she accepted. Yeah!
A Day In The Life Of A Jewelry Artist
by Melissa of Uphill Dreams
Who is this man and why is he trying to get me out of bed?! Oh, it’s my fiancé, Bob. Apparently I told him to wake me up at 10:30 this morning… and THAT he remembered. Ugh, mornings.
I finally rolled out of bed. It’s not that I’m a “lady of leisure” and can sleep until I feel like it. Oh no. I’m on a 2nd shift schedule because of Bob’s work schedule. Alarm is usually set for 10:30am, lunch is at 6pm, dinner is served at 11pm, and bedtime is usually 3am.
I’m dressed (mind you, I’m in frumpy clothes because I have to wait for the water to heat back up since Bob just got out of the shower) and I’m ready to start my day as a jewelry maker.
I only missed the first 15 minutes of the Tophatter Town Hall Meeting this morning. This is where Tophatter creators and employees video chat while us sellers submit questions and use the chat room to discuss their answers. This was my first time attending, and they actually got to my question!
Yay! A buyer just moved my item from standby to upcoming by placing the first bid on it. Today is going to be a good day. I just made this item last night. These Cellini Spiral bracelets are really popular! I mean, I make one, it sells, so I make 3 more and two of those are gone in a few hours. I love it! If you keep buying, I will keep creating
Time to take product photos! It hasn’t been too rainy today, so I’m hoping the sunshine is out this afternoon. (Be right back with photos!)
This is where I take my product photos, on my screened in porch next to the pool (which is calling my name).
And here are the product photos taken today.
You’ve got a good eye if you noticed that not all of the items above are handmade! Hah. One of the things I’m listing in an auction today is a small lot of 15 “dream” charms. If I have to buy something in bulk, like those charms, I sell the rest through the supply auction at Tophatter. It helps pay for more supplies, and it gives someone else the chance to use unique things they may not have found otherwise.
Looks like those “dream” charms got into the supply auction today! Now to pray to the auction Gods that they sell at a fair price.
I got out of the shower and dressed just in time to hear the mailman knocking on my door. This is the first time I’ve met our mailman since we moved here two months ago. I always drop my packages off at the post office on the next block. Anyhow, the mailman, who I assume is an older military vet, asked if I was running a small business out of my home. When I said “Yes, I make jewelry,” he went into this sales pitch and told me I should only use USPS. It was cute. I swear by USPS! I love the history it has, and I can’t beat the convenience of having a post office literally behind my house!
One of my packages is from Romania, which I had to sign for. I don’t remember ordering anything from overseas, so it feels like Christmas as I stare at the package and let my imagination run wild.
Yay! My “dream” charms received a total of 6 bids! Now to prepare for the next auction, add more items to my online store, and make more jewelry!
I finally opened that package from overseas. It was a hand painted pendant I won at auction last month. Unfortunately, it’s slightly damaged (some of the paint on the top is cracked and chipped). I’ve been looking forward to this piece for a while! I emailed the artist, so we’ll see what she says to do. I worry about wearing it as is because I don’t want to cause more damage to it in case it’s an issue with the sealant used. See the light spot in the photo on the top left of the pendant? That isn’t glare, it’s missing paint.
I’ve got items waiting in standby in two auctions right now (thinking positive thoughts). In the meantime I will sit here and bead while watching my email like a hawk for a notification saying my item has been promoted from standby!
I spend a couple of hours on the phone with my sisters tonight, chatting about wedding details and making plans to see one another. I am the oldest of 3 girls, and two of us are getting married this year. We’re gonna have some busy parents! Hah.
(From left to right: Jennifer is the youngest at 22, I am the oldest at 29, and Amy is the middle child at 27 years old.)
I may have only sold 2 items today but I also made more contacts in the artisan world. My little jewelry business is growing every day and will continue to do so with my dedication and hard work.
I had to order new business cards tonight. I have 8 left, so I had to pay an extra $7 for fast shipping. I shouldn’t have procrastinated as long as I did! Before I go to bed let me show you the cards.
Here are the old ones…
And here are my new business cards….
Alright, my pillow is calling my name. Thanks for joining me today. I hope you had fun (and maybe caught the inspiration bug)! Until next time….
Melissa will be back next month for another look into her life. If you'd like to contact her or check out any of her handmade creations, you will find her here: